
How to Counter Caro Kann Defense?

@WassimBerbar said in #4:
> I would add to it; the Apocalypse Attack. I'm a great fan of this anti-caro. It's uncommon and caro players rarely prepare against it.
Thanks! I will check that.
Was surprised that there was no mention of Panov-Botvinnik.
I play the KIA against the French and Sicilian, used to do it against the caro but I didnt like the positions I got from it. Now I play the fantasy because I like the sharp tactical positions but I would be delighted to hear from others who play the KIA and their take on it.
How is the Classical Variation with Nf6 going for the win? After the main White response Nxf6 the most and much too popular is exf6, and that must be the furthest from 'going for the win' as possible!

Sure the position is fairly safe for Black, however to win they might only hope for a blunder or clock. They have no play basically, and exchanges favor White, who has clear advantage in later endgame due to majority 4v3 on Q side.
Note that if White sets up properly the 3 pawns on K side, they are impenetrable, Black can as well stick an extra pawn from that side up his own hole.

TLDR: Nf6 followed by the popular exf6 offers no interesting play and all the long-term advantage due to pawn structure is White's
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@Cs1xlly said in #17:
> opportunity of king side attack and easy development ..
> .. the game between Burke John M vs Liang Awonder in US Junior Cha 2019.

That's something I can respect, thank you! Haven't seen that yet. At my level everybody just waits around and it's super boring to play against