
Am i too old to become a highly ranked chess player?

I learnt how to play chess at a young age; maybe 5 or 6, But haven't played seriously until about 5 weeks ago since which i have been training hard every day. but i am 24 years old now, had the ship sailed for me to ever reach the heights of CM or FM?
The ship has definitely not sailed.

There are several top tier players that didnt start till later in life.
Ye Jiangchuan never played till he was 17.
Chigorin was somewhere around the same
Howard Staunton in his 20s
Pretty sure Rubinstein & Lilienthal didnt start till ....late teens i think?

There was some czech guy who didnt become a GM until he in 60s? heck maybe even 70s.

Long story short; no, its never too late to become a master.
Thanks for the reply, my knowledge of some of the more obscure masters is very limited having only play less than 2 months.
Ships tend to come back... so if it's sailed just wait until it is back in the haven and go for the ride you please. If you want to sail on butiful sailboat you have to save up monay and work very hard day for day and then you can go on butiful sailboat... maybe not on yacht but on sailboat...
@lisle12345 Ben doesn't really count, because he'd been a strong IM for years beforehand. But yes, it's very possible to go for CM/FM (IM is a lot harder, though).

Using an engine won't help in any case ;)
"This player is using computer assistance" LOL :D. Perhaps cheating isn't the way to become great buddy. But in all seriousness I was in your shoes, played when I was a kid and quit. Started again when I was 23-24 and now I am 29... improved to 2100 ELO and climbing. So it is definitely possible. The thing is, you need time. Like, a lot of time. If you have that, it's no issue at all. Play a lot, like 2-3h / day and watch as much chess streams as you can! Gl hf mate!
The ship HAS sailed for you, OP. Delete your account and let other, more honest players take your place.
i have just seen this post and put up something similar but when I said I learnt age 5 but didn't play seriously till 18, I was still playing loads of chess with friends and computers, for example I must have played 500 games against friends and 2000 against computers between age 5 and 18.

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