
The new like loby

I'll try to be objective in my review and not mention the fact that it's the worst update ever made since the new UI of win 8 in my opinion .
- Your game request appearing in the loby with the same icon as everybody else's is confusing and annoying , there's no way to know if you created a game or not yet and you will always click or hover your own request
- It takes much longer to find a match
- fixed time and per move increment are completly different time controls the new chart doesn't make it clear which is which until you hover on each one
- icons on top of each other doesn't help either
- if it's not broken why fixe it
I understand that most people come to lichess from and it make sense to provide something that they're already familliar with (UX and all that stuff ) but can't we just please go back to the list system with all the filters and descriptive and organized requests and peace or at least have the option to choose between the two ( I'll code it my self ^^" )
I hate change and spelling and grammar
I think you just need to click on the 'graphic/list' button on left top
Press the icon on the top left that says "List", and you will get the list view back :)
Nice comparison between the two modes hah, it's been there for years but the button to change between them might need to be more visible.
well .. I used lichess for 5 years and I can't believe that just now I find out about the button .... can we remove it so this post becomes relevant ? :3

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