
Graph colors

I’m color blind and reading the graphs for ratings is impossible. I know I can click on a point in time but this still could be altered in my opinion.

Thank you for your care.
@swarminglocusts They added symbols like circles/triangles/squares to the graph (hover your mouse and move it over the graph) - it may help a bit, depending on the type of your color blindness.

Although I have a red-green weakness, I am more irritated by the numerous blue-like differences on the graph.

I am color blind to red, green, brown and pink shades. I can see basic colors but using red and green could be seen the same as one color to me.

So maybe....

<Comment deleted by user>
> Red, Yellow...

Is this a color scheme suggestion?

The issue is that there can be up to 15 different series/colors shown on the graph. And it is very difficult to find distinct colors that are dissimilar from each other to use for all. This is why, as was mentioned earlier, other differentiators such as the line style and markers are also used in conjunction.

Point noted about the similar blues though.
@ItsGam3Tyme said in #6:
> Is this a color scheme suggestion?
> The issue is that there can be up to 15 different series/colors shown on the graph. And it is very difficult to find distinct colors that are dissimilar from each other to use for all. This is why, as was mentioned earlier, other differentiators such as the line style and markers are also used in conjunction.
> Point noted about the similar blues though.

Correct and I understand. However changing some of the color types can help.

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