
Puzzles mate in one...

...shouldn't count. It is too easy for everbody to get points with that form and it creates an inflation of points and demotivates users.

It's already taken in count, when you solve puzzles by theme you gain fewer rating points, especially for narrowed themes such as mate in one.
I still think playing the mate-in-one category can easily inflate your rating.

The issue is not that mates-in-one are easy to solve, but they are easy to verify. In other words, I can be almost completely sure that my answer is correct even before making the move, and will hence almost never lose any rating.

On the other hand, those puzzles can be really tricky to spot when not told that they are mates in one, so letting the puzzle ratings drop by the hands of mate-in-one spammers could result in puzzles of an inappropriate difficulty in the mixed bag setting.

At the moment, I see three ways to get around this:

1) Make mate-in-one unrated (and just maybe, mate-in-two puzzles as well).
2) Severely increase the rating penalty (for rating adjustment calculation) for the mate-in-one category.
3) Have separate ratings for different categories (preferably for both players and puzzles).
to me its just mind boggling that people care so much that a friend of theirs has a higher digit... your friend is stupid he wasted his time with stuff that is not even satisfying and doesnt improve his skill. think about the time he wastes by slowly crawling up with those puzzle points. or can u actually buy something with them?! im new here so if thats the case, then we might have an actual problem here.

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