
Training puzzle mega-frustration

What would you play in the following position?

If, like me, you chose the natural and well-known motif of Rg7+ Kh8 Rg6+ followed by mate in two along the a1 h8 diagonal... would get a mega-frustrating PUZZLE FAILED message and your puzzle rating would go down.

My solution was every bit as fast and forcing (if you don't Black's two "spite blocks" at the end) as the solution given, which is technically one move faster but looks, frankly, artificial as hell.

But I didn't get even so much as a "good move but you can do better" message. Just a straight failure message and consequent rating reduction. This sucks.

Is anyone else experiencing similar mega-frustration with the puzzles? I'm considering simply not doing them any more. If they don't rate your performance properly then they're pointless, right?

Lichess is a great chess site but these puzzles really tick me off.

(I didn't run the position through an engine so if I've erred in my analysis then apologies and may egg be upon my big dumb face!)

it's actually a mate in 2 , Bd5 + Rf7 Rxd8#
Mate in 2 is better than mate in 4 or so right ?
Mate in 2 is indeed technically better than mate in 4 but given that in my chosen line Black's last 2 moves were "spite blocks" my line is effectively mate in 2 also, isn't it?

But this wasn't my real point anyway.

My point was how can my line be deemed a straight PUZZLE FAIL?

That's just wrong...
No. The solution is not "very easy". I'm a 2000 Elo player and I'd say it's challenging. Whereas Rg7+ is very easy. Child's play in fact.

I'm also betting that if you showed the start position to 100 strong players (GMS included) 99 of them would INSTANTLY uncork Rg7+.

It's such a well known a motif, so forcing, and so decisive...why look any further?

But according to the Lichess Puzzle Trainer these 99 players would be "wrong".

And that is nonsense.
I think both solutions are valid. You can downvote that puzzle if you want it removed so badly no?
I agree, Rg7+ is a familiar pattern and is easily recognized to be winning. Whereas the retreat Bd5+ is trickier to find and it isn't obvious that the f8-rook will no longer defend the rook on d8. To an expert, Rg7+ is the "natural" move.

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