
How to Beat Stronger Players Part 2

Excellent start to the blog, wow, love it.
I don't have big problem with beating stronger players if they are not too strong. I was 1470DWZ in May. I scored 4.5/7(I had a winning position in round 6 but i had big time trouble so i offered my oppenent a draw. My avaerage oppenent was 1866(lowes 1700 best 2000+) and my ELO raised up to 1894. I have much more problems with beating nearly equal rated players and players with a much lower rating. XD
I have a problem playing low rated players on lichess because of all the fake accounts with <100 games from higher rated players who are just there to bash people around. I think the lichess pairing system should keep people with a low game count playing against each other until they have enough stats to play the regulars.
"I have much more problems with beating nearly equal rated players and players with a much lower rating."

Same here. I scored three draws against titled players (GM and IM) in long games (FM I do not include here), but I often lose against approximately equal rated players and have too many draws against lower rated players.
@SchachJohnny said in #3:
> I have much more problems with beating nearly equal rated players

In part 1 was written "playing too passively" as being harmful against stronger players. For me, the symmetrical is also true: when facing an equal or weaker opponent, gaining some advantage triggers the need of a quick win so it is easy to fall in a too much aggresive playing.
@OctoPinky said in #6:
> In part 1 was written "playing too passively" as being harmful against stronger players. For me, the symmetrical is also true: when facing an equal or weaker opponent, gaining some advantage triggers the need of a quick win so it is easy to fall in a too much aggresive playing.
Yes. You are absolutely right