
Insights on 0 blunders

Is there a way to discover a players average 0 blunders ? Does it correlate with ratings? I would image it does. I blundered more when I was a beginner and now that I'm able to avoid lots of blunders my rating has increased. I still blunder and it's in my human nature to do so. I assume there must be an anti-cheat feature that can tell our average blunder rate. If so can it be displayed in our profile or chess insights ?
I'm looking at this chess insight and it seems like the different in rating compared to centipawn loss is not that different.
The rating of my opponent compared to theirs. Much weaker:-200, Weaker:-100, Stronger:+100, Much stronger:+200.

Seems like the 200 value is small. If it was 400 would the percentages be more obvious?
By increasing the present values in the code, it would reflect the full rating range that players can play against using the lobby custom button. I think the chess insight should be set at ... Much weaker:-500, Weaker:-250, Stronger:+250, Much stronger:+500.

My custom rating range is presently set from players between -0 / +250, but the rating range is capable of -500 / +500. So I would assume the chess insight cplBucket values should match the custom peak range.

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