
Losing on time when opponent has insufficient mating material

Hi, I just played a game in which my opponent only had a bishop left when I ran out of time, but he was awarded the win. Is this a bug?

This is according to FIDE Laws of Chess.
You lost on time, so you lost the game.
Only exception is if there exists no series of legal moves for him to mate you.
In this case he can mate you in the corner.
I was on the other end of this situation some time ago, and actually had a forced mate in the corner, but my opponent let his time run out and got a draw.

I guess lichess has changed its rules since then.

Yes, lichess did not yet implement FIDE rules then.
It is unfortunate you got twice the bad side of the rules.
This second example illustrates why the FIDE rules are most correct.
a lone bishop against a timeout is a draw. Thats the way it's always been and that's the way it should be.

The new rule is a travesty.
No, no if the single Bishop can mate in any way then a loss on time is a loss. That are the FIDE Laws of Chess.
The second example shows a nice win with a lone knight, where in 2014 the losing party could just time out to get a draw instead of being mated. That was a travesty.
#6 I think the rules were changed because positions in #3 wouldn't be judged as draws which wouldn't be acceptable.
Well, always remember that tournament games like this exist:

(taken from the Mega)

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