
scince when can white be the horde?

It is not balanced 50-50% now. White still have advantage, but this time it is horde side.
I would like to have "no abort" option while creating game. If it is checked then as soon as my game started, it is no way for players to abort, only resign with loosing points. I can explain why it is important: because there are some players (including Le-truand, horde highest rated player at the moment) that use very annoying tactic - play bad color with weak opponent, and good color with equal or stronger. If color is not appropriate - then they abort. Rematches are accepted, but immideately aborted with new rematch offered, like Chess_Agent said.
if we see such behaviour and tricks, then it's obvious that this varient of chess is STUPID becasue it's biased , I would recommend removing horde from lichess , there are far more intersting varients out there, why sticking on a stupid one !?
izzat, the fact that you suck at a variant doesn't make that variant stupid. Don't be so angry, better learn how to play, because Horde Chess is much more interesting and deeper than you think. For me it is the most interesting variant on lichess. The only problem is that there are not many opponents available. I wish they make daily tournaments for variants too, to make them more popular.
#15 ALL players suck at this varient when taking the horde army, not just me ! guess why, becasue it's a stupid biased game !
Not all, have a look - horde side wins too.

Now, when rules changed, I think horde is even stronger.
If you think that you will always win with black you are wrong. I can prove it to you in a match, if you accept my challenge.
Click on this link to play. I will keep this challenge active for 1 hour.
I believe I made my point, winning or losing that challenge (which am sure will be followed by another !) doesn't prove anything,, we shall wait for the statistics after this change in colour and see..

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