
$100000000 or to read Harry Potter

Well if I was to read the Harry Potter book you mention instead of have the money , i would hope it turned out be an absolutely amazing story ! Or I guess I would have a very gutted, disappointed dizzy Spell soon afterwards. :).
@BinaryBishop said in #5:
> $100000000 obviously, I hate the movies so I don't think the books are any better
> Plus the number that I did not even bother read would buy me so much better books and novels
I hate the movies but I LOVE the books. The movies are disgusting. Try the books some time.
i read the first 7 books and enjoyed them.
that aside, maybe tune down the 100 million dollars to something like 1000-5000$ so the question makes sense?
What do you do with all that money, anyway? i would give them to the charity if i had it. I've no use for it anyway.
I will take the money 10000000$
And buy Harry Potter book by 100$

Big brain :)
@SuperHarryPotterFan said in #1:
> I’d choose reading HP over anything any day. You?
I have read al the books several times, and i think once you become old enough, you would just lose interest maybe you might just remember it as what you liked during your childhood probably .

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