
Starting Position of traxler counter attack

Traxler Counter Attack Part 2

Hello everybody I am back with the Second part of the series of the Traxler Counter Attack. If you want basic theory check the Part 1 of this opening.

Click on Part 1 to view the first part. Don't read this blog without reading the first part. Otherwise you will not understand much.

Let's start

So after e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nf6 Bc5:

As I told you all that in the upcoming parts we will discuss the move Nxf7 Bxf2+ Kxf2. Which is neither good nor bad. After Kxf2 we play Nxe4+

In this part we will discuss another bad move for white which is Ke2 and how you can destroy your opponent.

After Ke2 we jump with our other knight by playing Nd4+. Now white has various options.

First look at Kf1.we play Qf6+. If Ke1 then Qf2#.

Or if Kg1 then again Qf2#.

So white has got to play Qf3 and you can simply take and I believe you can win this easily.

Now let's look at Ke1. This move has very deep lines but you start with Qh4+. And you can refer the Part 1 to look for ideas after Ke1.

Now what if Kd3, we simply play Nf2+ winning the queen.

Finally what if Ke3. Well in Ke3 you have a bit of complex trick to win the white queen which is Ke3 Qh4 (threatening Qf4#) Rf1 (Qf1 also possible but then Rf8 will cause lots of trouble) d5 Bxd5 Bg4 wins the queen since Qe1 is not possible because of Nxc2+. Final diagram after Bg4 is given below.

One more thing possible is g3 instead of Rf1. We play Nxg3 if he takes then we have a mate in 13 after Qxg3+.

Here is a question for you:-

Find the mate in 13 after Qxg3+
Answer in the comments.

Thanks for reading this blog. Stay tuned for part 2.
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