
What if a piece could only be captured, when attacked twice!

ChessChess variantLichessAnalysis
An interesting new chess variant?

Who has the advantage?

For context:

Looking at the main position of my two videos. If the Black pieces can only be captured, if they are attacked twice (except the king), who has the advantage?

  1. Black has the clear advantage!
  2. It is pretty equal
  3. White has the clear advantage!

No engine can help us here.

Black wins... maybe?

After playing a couple of games against myself with this position, it turns out, that this is actually fun! In the very beginning, I was certain that White had the clear advantage. A couple of more games, and I was in Black's favour. But now, I am completely unclear of who is actually better.

Obviously, I only have a rating of 1900-2000, but I spent a while with some far more interesting games, which I sadly didn't save, as they were just for early testing.

Am I missing something?

This Wikipedia chess variant article is massive:

But I couldn't find any variant, where a piece can only be captured, if attacked twice. Is this unique? Or badly flawed? Try this variant out with a friend.

In my other article, How to play as a Zombie army against a friend on lichess in 5 steps! I described how you can set up unique chess positions to play against a friend. Keep in mind, you need to calculate on your own, if a piece can be captured, or not!